Old Oil On

Ancient Oil Painting On Sign Religious Table Sainte Famille 600

Ancient Oil Painting On Sign Religious Table Sainte Famille 600
Ancient Oil Painting On Sign Religious Table Sainte Famille 600
Ancient Oil Painting On Sign Religious Table Sainte Famille 600
Ancient Oil Painting On Sign Religious Table Sainte Famille 600
Ancient Oil Painting On Sign Religious Table Sainte Famille 600
Ancient Oil Painting On Sign Religious Table Sainte Famille 600
Ancient Oil Painting On Sign Religious Table Sainte Famille 600
Ancient Oil Painting On Sign Religious Table Sainte Famille 600
Ancient Oil Painting On Sign Religious Table Sainte Famille 600
Ancient Oil Painting On Sign Religious Table Sainte Famille 600
Ancient Oil Painting On Sign Religious Table Sainte Famille 600
Ancient Oil Painting On Sign Religious Table Sainte Famille 600

Ancient Oil Painting On Sign Religious Table Sainte Famille 600    Ancient Oil Painting On Sign Religious Table Sainte Famille 600

Ancient oil painting on sign Holy religious painting family 600. Ancient painting of the Venetian school of the 17th century. Oil work on panel depicting the fabulous holy family with Saint-jean and Saint-anne of excellent pictorial quality. Painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient religious paintings. Panel panel (see photo) during the 20th century during a phase of conservative restoration.

Painting characterized by many details, from the splendid still life laid on the table at the top left to the pleasant view of the landscape on the right (see photo). Table equipped with a small wooden frame (see photo) added in the 20th century. Central scene adorned with a splendid marie with a halo and a sheet finely painted in red with golden finishes. Particulier is the saint joseph sitting on the left with a book and glasses between his fingers (see photo). Painting with a crack visible at the front (see photo) and some signs of aging.

Due to time, in good condition of preservation. Internal measurement h 75 x l 107 cm. H 77 x W 109 x D 4 cm. Free shipping in all Europe.

Each item is packed with the best care and professionalism, sealed inside custom-built wooden boxes and accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and warranty as well as photographic documentation. Parino mercato antiquario wants to stand out by offering free the best packaging and shipping service on the market. Once the payment is received, the shipment will be carried out with a street front. We do not accept cash payments at the rebate. Payment must be made within 7 working days of the time of acquisition, otherwise the item will be considered unsold and returned for sale. Each item will be accompanied by a tax ticket, if you want the invoice to be charged at the time of acquisition.

Free return within 30 days. Customers will be able to cancel their acquisition within 30 days of the rebate without penalty or need to give any motivation.

The costs of restitution shall be borne by the seller. Damaged or modified items will not be accepted.

The goods must be returned to the original boxes used for the shipment. Ancient painting of the Venetian school from the 17th century. Framework oil on panel depicting the fabulous holy family with young saint john and saint anne of excellent pictorial quality. Painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient religious painting.

Framework paneled (see picture) during the 20th century duration a conservative restoration phase. Painting characterized by numerical details, from the splendid still life placed on the table at the top left to the pleasant glimpse of the landscape on the right (see picture). Panel equipped with a small wooden frame (see picture) added in the 20th century.

Central scene adorned with a splendid mary with a halo and finely painted red cloth with golden finishes. Peculiar is the saint joseph posted on the left with a book and glasses between his fingers (see picture). Panel with a visible front crack (see picture) and some signs of aging. Given the time, in good state of conservation.

Sight size h 29 x w 42 inches. H 30 x w 43 x d 2 inches. Free return within 30 days. We cannot accept return of modified or damaged items. Antico dipinto di scuola veneta del xvii secolo.

Opera olio su tavola raffigurante favolosa sacra famiglia con san giovannino e sant'anna di otima mano pittorica. Quadro per antiquari, arredatori e collegionisti di pittura religiosa antica.

Tavola palchettata (vedi foto) nel corso del xx secolo pendante una fase di restauro conservativo. Dipinto caratterizzato da numerosi dettagli, dalla splendida natura morta posta sul tavolo in alto a sinistra al piacevole scorcio di paesaggio a destra (vedi foto).

Tavola munita di piccola cornicetta linea (vedi foto) aggiunta nel xx secolo. Central Scena adornata da una splendida maria con aureola e drappo rosso finemente dipinto con finture dorate. Peculiare il san giuseppe seduto a sinistra con libro e occhiali tra le dita (vedi foto). Tavola che presenta una fessura visibile frontalmente (vedi foto) e alcuni segni del tempo. Data l'epoca, in buono stato conservativo.

Luce dipinto h 75 x l 107 cm. Spedizione free of charge in tutta europa. Ogni articolo viene imballato con la massima attenzione e professionalità, sigillato all' interno di cassé in legno costruite su misura ed accompanito da un certificateo di autenticità e garanzia integrato da documentazione fotografica. Parino mercato antiquario vuole distinguishsi offerendo gratuitamente il miglior servizio di imballaggio e spedizione sul mercato.

Una volta ricevuto il pacamento verrà effectuata la spedizione con consegna fronte strada. Not è accettato he contrassegno. Il pacamento deve essere effettuato entro 7 giorni lavorativi dal momento dell'acquisto, in caso contrario l'articolo sarà considerato invenduto e rimesso in vendita.

Ogni oggetto spedito sarà accompaniato da scontino fiscale, se desiderate la fatura questa va richiesta al momento dell'acquisto. If offer e si pretende la massima serietà nella transazione, siete pregati di fare offered solo se seriamente intenzionati all'acquisto.

Restituzione gratuita entro 30 giorni. I clienti potranno annullare l'acquisto entro 30 giorni dalla consegna senza penaltytà o necessità di dare alcuna motivazione. I Costi di restuzione sono a carico del venditore. Non saranno accettati come reso articoli danneggiati o modificati. I beni dovranno essere rispediti nelle cassée originali utilizzate per la spedizione.

Antike gemälde der venezianischen schule des 17. Öl auf brett malerei, das die fabelhafte heilige familia mit st. Anne von ausgezeichneter bildqualität zeigt. Malerei für antiquitätenhändler, innenarchitekten und sammler antiker religiöser malerei.

Bild getäfeltem (siehe foto) im 20. Jahrhundert während einer konservativen restaurierungsphase.

Gemälde mit zahlreichen details, vom prächtigen stillleben oben links auf dem tisch bis zum angelehmen blick auf die landschaft rechts (siehe foto). Tisch mit einem kleinen holzrahmen (siehe foto) aus dem 20. Zentrale szene geschmückt mit einer prächtigen maria mit einem heiligenschein und einem fein bemalten roten tuch mit goldenen oberflächen. Merkwürdig ist der heilige josef, der links mit einem buch und einer glints zwischen den fingern sitzt (siehe foto). Bild mit einem sichtbaren riss vorne (siehe foto) und einigen alterungserscheinungen. Angesichts der zeit in gutem erhaltungszustand. Innere maße h 75 x b 107 cm.

H 77 x b 109 x t 4 cm. Gratis versand in ganz Italian. Jeder artikel wird höchst sorgfältig und sachkundig verpackt, in extra maßgerecht angefertigten holzkisten versiegelt und von einer authentizitäts-urkunde, einer garantie mit fotodokumentation begleitet.

Parino antiquitätenhändler zeichnet sich auf dem markt durch besten und kostenlosen verpackungs- und versandservice aus. Nach eingang der zahlung wir die ware sofort bis vor das haus verschickt.

Wir akzeptieren keine zahlung per nachnahme. Die zahlung muss innerhalb von 7 arbeitstagen nach dem kauf erfolgen, andernfalls wird der artikel als unverkauf erachtet und erneut zum verkauf freigegeben. Jedem verkauften objekt liegt eine steuergültige quittung bei, sollten sie eine rechnung wünschen, teilen sie das bitte gleich beim kauf mit. Kostenlose rückgabe innerhalb von 30 tagen. Die kunden können den kauf innerhalb von 30 tagen nach der lieferung ohne angabe von gründen und ohne zusätzliche kosten rückgängig machen.

Die kosten zur rückgabe gehen zu lasten from verkäufers. Beschädigte oder veränderte artikel werden nicht zurück genommen. Die güter müssen in den originalverpackungen zurückgeschickt werden, mit denen sie versandt wurden. The item "Ancien peinture oil sur signe religious tableau sainte famille 600" has been on sale since Tuesday, March 9, 2021. It is in the category "art, antiques\art of xixe and before\paintings, enamels".

The seller is "parinomercatoantiquario" and is located in/in vicoforte, Italy. This item can be shipped to the following country: france.

  1. type: oil
  2. characteristics: on canvas
  3. theme: religion, mythology
  4. artistic current: Italian school
  5. Authenticity: unknown Measurements: h 77 x l 109 x p 4 cm

Ancient Oil Painting On Sign Religious Table Sainte Famille 600    Ancient Oil Painting On Sign Religious Table Sainte Famille 600