Old Oil On

Old oil painting on canvas Marine 19th century lively port French school

Old oil painting on canvas Marine 19th century lively port French school
Old oil painting on canvas Marine 19th century lively port French school
Old oil painting on canvas Marine 19th century lively port French school
Old oil painting on canvas Marine 19th century lively port French school
Old oil painting on canvas Marine 19th century lively port French school
Old oil painting on canvas Marine 19th century lively port French school

Old oil painting on canvas Marine 19th century lively port French school   Old oil painting on canvas Marine 19th century lively port French school
Old oil painting on canvas Marine 19th animated port French school. Beautiful animated port painting with beautiful painting details see photos. French school signed monogram JB. Careful shipment to Europe excluding Scandinavia and Greece. Contact me for UK shipping costs.
Old oil painting on canvas Marine 19th century lively port French school   Old oil painting on canvas Marine 19th century lively port French school