Table oil on panel representing former dillets a beautiful bouquet pink, white, red in a vase Delphi porcelain. In the language of flowers, the carnation is the symbol of love. The red carnation, the shared passion. The carnation rose symbolizes the love of a mother for her child. The white carnation means a true passion and pure love, it is also the symbol of Mother's Day.
Shared the carnation is the national flower of three countries: spain, Monaco and Slovenia. It is also the regional flower of the Balearic Islands. No signature but a great achievement which suggests that this is a confirmed artist. Paint a few small cracks in the lancienneté but are adherent and do not interfere. A beautiful frame gold which brings into the picture a few flaws in lancienneté but really barely visible in very good condition. Dimensions 76.5 x 65.5 cm. Table 65.5 x 54 cm.The item \The seller is \This item can be shipped to the following countries: France.