Old Oil On

Oil Painting on Canvas Village Scene Snow W H Fletcher Landscape 19th Century Antique

Oil Painting on Canvas Village Scene Snow W H Fletcher Landscape 19th Century Antique
Oil Painting on Canvas Village Scene Snow W H Fletcher Landscape 19th Century Antique
Oil Painting on Canvas Village Scene Snow W H Fletcher Landscape 19th Century Antique
Oil Painting on Canvas Village Scene Snow W H Fletcher Landscape 19th Century Antique
Oil Painting on Canvas Village Scene Snow W H Fletcher Landscape 19th Century Antique
Oil Painting on Canvas Village Scene Snow W H Fletcher Landscape 19th Century Antique
Oil Painting on Canvas Village Scene Snow W H Fletcher Landscape 19th Century Antique
Oil Painting on Canvas Village Scene Snow W H Fletcher Landscape 19th Century Antique
Oil Painting on Canvas Village Scene Snow W H Fletcher Landscape 19th Century Antique
Oil Painting on Canvas Village Scene Snow W H Fletcher Landscape 19th Century Antique
Oil Painting on Canvas Village Scene Snow W H Fletcher Landscape 19th Century Antique
Oil Painting on Canvas Village Scene Snow W H Fletcher Landscape 19th Century Antique
Oil Painting on Canvas Village Scene Snow W H Fletcher Landscape 19th Century Antique

Oil Painting on Canvas Village Scene Snow W H Fletcher Landscape 19th Century Antique   Oil Painting on Canvas Village Scene Snow W H Fletcher Landscape 19th Century Antique

The old canvas dating from 1880 has been mounted on another, more recent canvas. It has been beautifully restored and is ready to be framed. It is a fine piece that needs to be identified.

Oil Painting on Canvas Village Scene Snow W H Fletcher Landscape 19th Century Antique   Oil Painting on Canvas Village Scene Snow W H Fletcher Landscape 19th Century Antique