Old Oil On

Old painting on canvas from the late 19th century

Old painting on canvas from the late 19th century
Old painting on canvas from the late 19th century
Old painting on canvas from the late 19th century
Old painting on canvas from the late 19th century
Old painting on canvas from the late 19th century
Old painting on canvas from the late 19th century
Old painting on canvas from the late 19th century
Old painting on canvas from the late 19th century

Old painting on canvas from the late 19th century    Old painting on canvas from the late 19th century

Old painting, oil on canvas from the late 19th century French school. Dimensions without frame: 43 cm / 30 cm. With frame: 54 cm / 49 cm.

Old painting on canvas from the late 19th century    Old painting on canvas from the late 19th century